Learn about the different therapeutic methods and their benefits.
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Relaxing massage
Bamboo Therapy
Foot Reflexology
Hot rocks
Foot Reflexology

What is Foot Reflexology?
Basically, reflexology is indicated to treat pain in general, hormonal disorders and depression, to benefit the Nervous System and enhance the action of medications.
It is a massage at reflex points in the area of the feet, aiming at relaxation, increased local circulation and tension relief.
Relaxing massage
Aesthetic and / or therapeutic massage has great benefits and preventive values. However, there are some cases in which the massage cannot be performed, due to the relationship between its physiological effects and the patient's health status / condition. These are the cases of:
- infections, fever or flu;
- acute infection;
- skin diseases ;
- cancer ;
- areas of severe hyperesthesia;
- thrombophlebitis;
- hemophilia or varicose veins;
-Trauma, Tumors or other Spinal Diseases;
- Open Wounds;
- Diabetes : Medical Authorization and Monitoring is required
- Osteoporosis : Medical Authorization and Monitoring is required
- Varicose veins : Medical Authorization and Monitoring is required
- Recent, Untreated or Open Burns

'' Massage '' is the term used to designate certain manipulations
the soft tissues of the body; these manipulations are carried out
more efficiently with the hands and are administered with the purpose of producing effects on the Nervous System,
Muscular and Lymphatic.
By increasing the lumens of blood vessels and spaces
lymphatic vessels, the overall work of massage affects
capillary, venous and arterial circulation.
Among the movements used in massage with effect
relaxing, we have the Slip, Kneading and Friction directed to each region of the body, aiming at the Muscle Warming, Preparation and Relaxation and the detachment of the
muscular tensions from the superficial to the deepest levels.
The technique is performed with a slow pace and superficial and deep sliding movements, producing a balancing and calming effect.
Relaxing Massage also brings benefits associated with Body Aesthetics, but its objective is the management and treatment of Stress and / or signs of somatization of nervous and muscular tensions associated with Stress.

Bamboo Therapy
The bamboo therapy technique is a manual massage made with small bamboo sticks of different sizes.
The sizes of bamboos used in bamboo therapy vary for each part of the body, and are indicated for the treatment of stress and body shaping.
Massage using bamboo is relaxing and invigorating.
In addition to acting in the relaxation and release of tensions, it acts in the mobilization of body tissues in order to outline and contour the body shapes / segments, respecting its natural shape and providing stimulation to the Circulatory and Lymphatic system, making the technique a Modeling Massage.
Other benefits often associated with the technique are, for example, improved oxygenation and skin nutrition, the ability to vasodilate, cellular oxygenation and muscle toning.
Bamboo Massage can have its benefits enhanced when associated with Relaxing Massage.
Other information
Bamboo therapy is a technique that can be applied to men and women of all ages, however, it has all the Contraindications mentioned in '' Relaxing Massage ''.
The foot scald is based on the use of water at an appropriate temperature and essential oils or bath salts in order to obtain a certain therapeutic potential from resting / immersing the feet in the solution. It is optionally used before Relaxing Massage or Foot Reflexology Massage.
The union of these elements with application to the plantar base and to the entire area of ​​the feet and legs is effective for the beginning of relaxation, in case of nervous exhaustion, stress and at the end of a working day, due to its vasodilator role.
It is an alternative method for relaxation and activation of circulation in the lower limbs, functioning as an alternative complementary treatment to circulation disorders.
Aesthetically, it softens the skin and helps in tissue - cellular renewal.
Relieves tiredness in the legs and can help reduce edema. Associated with Body Massage or Foot (Reflexology), greater benefits are obtained.
It can be easily done at home, including day-to-day practice and noting its long-term benefits in terms of well-being.
Contraindications for Scald-Feet:
Open Wounds in any region of the body
Restrictions on Pregnant Women
Recent, Untreated or Open Burns
Scald Feet


Use of Vegetable Oil in warm temperature, essential oils and Medicinal Herbs together with Therapeutic Massage for the purpose of relaxing tension and revitalizing stimulus.
The elements contained produce a calming, anti-inflammatory and relaxing effect, aiming at restoring well-being and stress relief.

Illustration: Model - Pindas
Pindas - History
The emergence of pindas occurred in history when Eastern and Western peoples started using herbs to treat and cure diseases.
Pindas are accessories used for massage, in the form of bags or bundles of natural fabric (cotton) with medicinal herbs.
In Therapeutic Massage, pindas are used in a warm temperature, being preheated and hydrated using a Vegetable-Body Oil solution.
The pindas were initially made in aromatic baths for relaxation, and their use was spreading across Europe and America, becoming a widespread practice among massage therapy professionals, who perform the technique with the aim of promoting comfort and treating health and good -being of patients.
Each pair of Pindas is for individual and unique use for each patient, being properly discarded at the end of the session.
Pindas are made by hand, being composed of medicinal herbs of commercial origin, within their validity until the date of use.
acute infections;
tumors and cancer;
acute asthma;
vascular changes;
sensitivity changes;
skin wounds and injuries;
Pregnant women;

The Hot Stone massage originated more precisely in Egypt and India.
Today's objective of stone massage remains mainly to favor massage therapy maneuvers that provide well-being and tension relief, using the combination of Vegetable Oils, Thermotherapy and Aromatherapy.
As the name says, the stones are preheated, warm and used at room temperature - pleasant.
"These are techniques that provide a
deep relaxation, helping in situations of stress, depressive states and having the potential to decongest the airways. "(SENAC)
Benefits :
relaxes the musculature;
improves blood and lymphatic circulation;
relieves and treats physical and mental fatigue;
reduces pain;
reduces tension and anxiety;
increases the removal of waste from the metabolism;
tones the skin;
general psychophysical balance;
Hot rocks

The use of flowers and plants originates from knowledge obtained from contact with nature, among the people who lived in harmony with their cycles, participating in the planting and harvesting stages for the benefit of their families and communities.
Later, according to more up-to-date information, around the 20th century, it was disseminated in Europe through laboratory experiments carried out by a French chemist.
According to studies, essential oils have specific medicinal properties. Such properties range from its anti-inflammatory, digestive or expectorant actions to its analgesic, bactericidal and healing potential, for example. It also works with potential antidepressants and tranquilizers, treating the Body and Mind in an integral way, based on the aromatic essence and medicinal properties obtained from flowers.
For therapeutic use in Massage, the essential oils are diluted in a Base Vegetable Oil, the essence being chosen and adapted after Anamnesis.
ANAMNESIS - Any use of essential oils in Massage will only be carried out after filling out the Anamnesis form and total certification about the absence of any allergy that the patient may have regarding their vegetable composition.
Origin / Brands of Essential Oils
To cherish the origin of botanical extraction and company values, such as products with Cruelty Free , ORGANIC seals and with guarantee of Ecological preservation and Humanitarian Contribution - Human Rights ensured, after all, for obtaining the oils and making the extraction, all the human work and the productive space are interconnected and involved in the same context.
Essential Oils: Flowers and Herbs, Their Medicinal Properties and Therapeutic Potential

Voluntary Activity -Botanic Garden - Santos, SP Brazil
Voluntary Activity -Botanic Garden - Santos, SP Brazil

Health, Quality of Life and Well Living
We are a family owned and operated business.
Yoga practice goes beyond physical activity aimed at health care at the body level, based on a different approach: Physical preparation / conditioning accompanies another important pillar of the practice: Promoting health at a psychological level.
Approach the human being as an entity integrated with nature, promoting knowledge and autonomy regarding its own functioning, relieving and treating the main health problems resulting from stress and psychophysical fatigue.
In Yogatherapy, breathing is the most requested exercise, simple conscious breathing has a great calming and relaxing effect.
The dynamics between lighter and moderately resistant postures (lead to a regenerative / repairing and strengthening action of the natural organic-physiological, functional and energetic capacities of the human body, educating the Nervous System to its proper functioning.
Contrary to popular belief, practicing Yoga is not about ignoring discomfort and asking for difficult and strenuous postures! On the contrary, as a complementary physical practice, it must act as a therapeutic resource for each individual. The individual does not fit the posture, but the dynamics of exercises must be done for the Individual.
Yogatherapy unites 3 elements: Breathing, Stretches paused in specific postures and Deep Relaxation.
Yoga also expresses Human Values ​​and the Culture of Peace, a potential tool for a healthier society at all levels.
'' Massage is a very pleasant therapy that uses various types of movements and other techniques to manipulate the soft tissues of the body. It is ideal for stress relief, relaxation and well-being.
The father of Therapeutic Massage was the Swedish gymnast who became a therapist, Professor Per Henrik Ling (1776-1839).
Ling left an updated form of therapeutic massage, the "Swedish massage", which still forms the basis of modern massage.
Today, this technique has found its place in gyms, beauty salons, homes, sports clubs and hospitals. It complements the conventional treatment of chronic patients and helps patients recover from attacks or heart surgery. It is ideal for stress relief and treats body-mind simultaneously. ''
What is Massage?
Massage is the manipulation of soft tissues in the body with specific techniques that promote or restore health.
Massage therapists use their hands to detect and treat problems in the muscles, ligaments and tendons in the soft tissues of the body.
Therapists in this area work to regulate and relieve emotional tensions and promote health, gradually restoring it to the patient as a whole.
Massage also forms the basis of other therapies, such as Aromatherapy, Shiatsu and Physiotherapy and has an important role in Traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic Medicine.
The Mechanical Effects of Massage
These are the physical results of pressing, squeezing and moving the soft tissues. Depending on the massage techniques, it can be relaxing or stimulating.
Tense muscles can cause poor circulation because they constrict blood vessels. Massaging the muscles relaxes them and stimulates circulation, so that the blood flows freely, carrying oxygen and nutrients where they are needed. By acting on the circulation, regular massage can help normalize blood pressure, relieving pressure on overloaded arteries and veins.
Massage also stimulates the lymphatic system, responsible for feeding cells, transporting the discarded products out of the body and defending it from infection.
Reflex Action: It is the involuntary reaction of one part of the body to the stimulation of another. Body, mind and emotions form an intricate organism, connected by energy channels and a complex nervous system, with receptors on the skin, and stimuli in one part of the body can affect several others.
Thus, a back massage can also relieve pain in the feathers.
Massage is a physical therapy, but with strong emotional content.
Austrian psychoanalyst Wihelm Reich (1897-1957) was the first modern therapist to understand the effects of massage on emotions. He introduced the concept of "body armor", the belief that unexpected emotions, such as anger or hurt, are held in the body.
Muscles that are too tense and stiff are not healthy for the body, just as suppressed emotions are not good for the mind.
Reich's philosophy paved the way for massage as a complementary support to health through holistic therapies.
It was later developed by the Esalen Institute in California as a therapy that facilitates and encourages Personal Growth.
The latest United States research reinforces what Reich proposed years ago. The internationally renowned pharmacologist, Dr. Candare Pert, considers that the mind and the body are so interrelated that it is impossible to make a clear distinction between the two. It states that old emotions are stored in the spinal cord ganglia and in other areas of the autonomic nervous system. Massage can release them, inducing relaxation, releasing endorphins - the body's natural painkillers, but also triggering neuropeptides - molecules that act as intercellular messengers of the nervous system.
Skin massage releases peptides that affect the mind, stimulating the immune system and improving the overall health of the body.
According to Dr. Pert, the preventive benefits of massage are so great that we could replace 90% of traditional medicine with a good weekly massage. ''
Relief: The first treatment sessions relieve pain, reduce tension and soothe stressed muscles. They do not solve the problem, but they relieve the symptoms and the patient feels better.
Correction: When the pain subsides, the therapist can act on the underlying cause in order to prevent the problem from recurring. Corrective action involves retonifying the muscles, decongesting a lazy lymphatic system or releasing affected fibers.
Strengthening: It is important in a heavily injured area. Weakness in the affected location can mean recurring problems in the future. For example, sports injuries can cause problems long after healing, if the injury and a long recovery period have weakened the surrounding tissues. Massage can strengthen them, allowing them to provide adequate support when the injury has healed.
Maintenance: It is both the final stage of healing and the first step in prevention. Occasional massage treatments are recommended to control health problems and prevent them from becoming a real puzzle.
'' What problems can it alleviate?
Massage can treat many complaints. But it is particularly recommended for cases of stress or related to stress, insomnia, depression and circulatory problems.
It is also good for relieving sore and tense muscles, arthritis, rheumatism and sciatica.
People with digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and constipation may also benefit from treatment, in addition to PMS symptoms to women.
Is it safe?
Massage is a proven, gentle and effective therapy, suitable for everyone, from babies (such as Shantala Massage) to pregnant women.
It can also be applied to people of fragile health and terminally ill patients, but only when practiced by a qualified therapist. The basic relaxation massage for healthy adults can be performed by anyone who knows the essential techniques.
Clinical Studies
The power of touch is well known and several studies confirm the benefits of massage for the most diverse situations. In 1992, a hospital study was carried out on 52 children and adolescents suffering from depression or adjustment disorders.
The results revealed that the group subjected to the daily back massage session for 5 days was less depressed and anxious than the control group, which only watched videos of the applied techniques. They also slept better after the massage.
In 1990, a study of 30 patients undergoing surgery was performed at London's St. Mary's Hospital, in connection with analgesia and insomnia. The patients were massaged on the back, face or feet, and then monitored for any physical or psychological changes. Many who received treatment mentioned relief from pain, anxiety and muscle spasms. Other benefits were improved sleep and general well-being. The two nurses who performed the massage also mentioned a better relationship with the patients.
In 1986, in a study on breast cancer, 6 patients undergoing radiation therapy received back massage using the technique of small strokes. The effects of this treatment were examined by monitoring how each patient felt before and after treatment.
The 13 disturbance symptoms measured were the intensity and frequency of nausea and pain, physical appearance, breathing patterns, sputum, concentration levels, general appearance, fatigue, quality of appetite, evacuation pattern and insomnia. After treatment based on massage, there was a general improvement in these symptoms and in the general appearance of the patients compared to the control group, which had only rested. Women said they felt less tense, less tired and more vital.
An example is babies who also benefit from massage. In 1990, 40 premature infants were randomly assigned between a massage group and a control group without treatment. Massage was applied to some babies for 15 minutes an hour, for 3 hours a day. After 10 days of massage, the babies had an average daily weight gain of 21% and were discharged five days before the control group. ''
Source: Family Health Encyclopedia - Complete Guide to Alternative Medicines
International Book Club
(Stuart Lightbody, Clare Maxwell Hudson, Susan Steward, Dr. Andrew Lockie, Roger Newman Turner, Dr. Vivian Lunny).